Monday, June 12, 2006

Suggestions for the Prez

President Bush is gathering with top advisors this week. Somehow I didn't get my invitation; it must be lost in the mail. Maybe yours did too.

If you could attend the meeting, what would you tell the President? What should top his To Do List?

I'm making a list of my opening remarks to him and it starts like this.

1. Focus on alternative fuels. Set a goal (5 years) to have this country free from foreign oil. If Brazil can do it, we can.

2. Focus on Education. Improve education in sciences, math and languages. We are far behind other countries in our ability to compete in the global market

3. Focus on the law: If Americans are arrested for hiring illegal immigrants, those jobs would dry up and so would the illegal flow of immigrants. Help Mexico improve it's economy (think about annexing the whole place! Maybe turn it into a resort. Ask Disney for advice)

4. Focus on Consensus Opinions: Both within our own government and with foreign countries. Having friends will do more to stop terrorist attacks than trying to go it alone with a world full of enemies

5. Hire a decent FEMA director -- any military person knows more about disaster preparedness and personnel rescue than the ones currently running the place

6. Forget about the Gay Marriage thing. It's a bogus issue and shouldn't matter one whit. While you're at it, lose the religious fundamentalists; they are not creative thinkers nor good problem solvers.

7. Listen to Laura more than you do Cheney and Rummy

What else should be added? subtracted?


Greybeard said...

(Taking a deep, deep breath here.)

Okay, where to start? At the beginning? Alright!

1. Alternative fuels. I couldn't agree more. I'll go ya one more:
Don't take the Brazilian path, because they may be as dependent on Ethanol suppliers as we are on suppliers of crude oil. Let's give tax credits to those producing ALL alternative energy sources...Biodiesel, Electric, Methane, and the exciting developments I'm seeing about converting water to Hydrogen. Let's also grant tax advantages to those buying these vehicles until the technologies are all well established.

2. Education: Public schools are a Unionized mess. Get rid of the NEA the same way Reagan dealt with the Air Traffic Controllers in '81, (obviously, I have personal experience here), and you may be able to get our education problem under control. Teachers are now paid to underperform... exceptional ones become "the nail that sticks up and gets the hammer".
Did you watch any of the National Spelling Bee? Most of the kids in the finals were home-schooled!
I also like the idea of school vouchers, but that also will never happen until the NEA is eliminated.

3. Immigration/Law: I agree with your comment about making it painful to hire illegals. But your comment about annexing Mexico is perplexing for someone with your intellect. Did you see the Marches across the country? Those people carrying Mexican flags are not interested in becoming U.S. Citizens. I bet if you polled them, they are all believers that California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and parts of Colorado were stolen from Mexico, and they are, by coming here and working, De Facto turning those States back into Mexican Provinces. Scares me....
Scares me A LOT!

4. Consensus Opinions: How can I disagree with you more virulently/violently?
All our parents used to ask, "just because someone else jumps in the lake, does that mean you have to?"
The U.S. we grew up in has always been World Leader. Our gutless politicians have taken us down this path of self-doubt, starting maybe with the Viet Nam debacle? (I'm not sure of may even have started before that.)
Should we have had consensus opinion with Governments that got us into WWII and killed 10's of millions of people? How much better would the world have been if we had assumed our position of leadership early in the late 1930's, rather than taking the isolationist stance we took for too long? The "Oil For Food Program" established by the U.N. is another wonderful example of "consensus opinion". I'm sorry, but I have to call "Bravo Sierra!"

5. FEMA: Don't get a new director.
Two months ago, a young couple's house here burned down. They had no insurance. No FEMA came to their's an individual case, in a small town. Their house was bulldozed three weeks ago....remains carted off in dump trucks. There is an empty lot there now. Why are people that lose their homes in Hurricanes/Earthquakes being treated differently than this couple? Makes no sense to me at all.

6. Gay Marriage: Agreed.

7. Listen to Laura: Okay, but then call Maggie Thatcher and listen to her too. Then talk with Cheney, Rummy, Condi, and GHWB. Then, with as much good info at hand as possible, make a solid decision. Much of what this President has done troubles me, but you can say this about him....
He ain't indecisive, He's not a lying, cheating, dope smoking, womanizing DRAFT DODGER, and he isn't swayed by polls.
You've at least gotta admire that about him. (And how 'bout that trip to Iraq again today! Gotta love that!)

Whew. Deep breath again.
Thanks for the chance to vent!

the golden horse said...


Plain and simple Ditto.
Ask any woman that has ever had to follow a budget for her family and I bet you could get one of those women to take care of FEMA in a heartbeat.
Why all the special attention to New Orleans, I feel for those people, but they did have a week's warning. And so many didn't do a thing to help themselves, then want us to carry the brunt of the financial responsiblibty, no way. I feel in a week's time, even the poorest could have found a way out.
Then you have so many that bilked us, using their cards, for such horrible things, wow, don't get me started there.
Alternative fuel absolutly, this island alone has enough room to grow sugar cane again, esp, since Dole is pulling out.
Then you have wave,solar, wind power.

Education: How about teaching the 3 r's again and to learn how to do math in long hand, (remember the races we used to do on the black boards, how many could do that today)? Don't forget to include, art, music, gym classes.
How about learning to balance a checkbook?

What ever happened to good ole Home Ec. It is sorely needed also.

Gay Marriage, why are we wasting our time talking about it so much?
It is a mute point.

I think we are regressing instead of progressing where we should.

How about writing all of our congressmen and telling them to put up a united front so they we really look like the World Leader we are. Instead of all this back stabbing. Even if they don't agree, appearances say alot.
As for some of the news agencies, some of them border on Treason and are doing nothing whatsoever in helping this country succeed.

As for immigration: if anyone thinks there isn't a plan for the Mexicans to take over, then better get the ole head out of the sand.
Maybe we should make a rule that if they want to come here so badly, they first have to serve in our Army for 3 years, and if they
serve with honor, they get a short cut to citizenship.

There needs to be much better monitoring on who gets what help from our Social Srevices. When I worked in Ca., I worked with many illegals. They were making good wages working under their father's name and drawing over $900 a piece filing under their Mother's name. I saw their checks and asked why they were doing that and I was told
"because we can." plain and simple.

And the MS gang members, I think they should be gathered up and sent to Iraq, they like to kill so much, let's see how brave they really are.
Wow, that felt good, thanks.